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Calcarea sulphurica acts as a blood purifier and is present in the bile coming from the liver. It helps in the removal of waste products from the bloodstream and it has a cleansing and purifying influence throughout the system. It helps in cleaning-up the accumulation of non-functional organic material.

It is mostly used in cases of bleeding abscess, irritating, yellowish discharge, burning feet with intense itchiness, bronchial or nasal catarrh with thick and yellow mucus, prolonged suppuration and discharges. S3 may also be used in cases of prolonged menses, cystitis, candida, purulent urethritis, burns, cornea ulceration and skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis.

An important keynote to remember about Calcarea sulphurica is that all symptoms are worse after getting wet and are better by warm and dry conditions.



Mode of action

ROLE: Structural, electrochemical, catalytic

MEMORY KEY: Suppuration remover.

INDICATIONS: Purulent discharges; suppuration; exudative abscesses. Thick, lumpy, yellow-green, often blood streaked mucus. Abscesses; boils, ulcers, fistulas; suppurating wounds.


  • Poor wound healing.
  • Tendency to suppuration and exudation, ulceration, abscesses, boils with pus and bloody discharge.
  • Catarrhal exudation – especially when yellow – inflammation of mucous membranes.
  • Glandular swellings if gland is suppurating, administer silicea first.
  • Skin scaling and desquamation, dandruff with alopecia; ache; eczema, psoriasis; superficial burns.
  • Exudate: thick, lumpy, yellow, purulent mucus, blood streaked.


< Overheating, warmth.

< Wet, damp weather, physical exertion.

> Cool, open air; dry weather.

TONGUE: Clay – coloured coating, flabby.

IRIS: Scurf rim, vascular and lymphatic congestion.


S3 Calcarea Sulphurica

  • Ingredients

    Each 3X tablets contains: Calcarea sulphurica…………….. 3X

    Each 6X tablets contains: Calcarea sulphurica…………….. 6X

    Each 12X tablets contains: Calcarea sulphurica…………… 12X

    Non-medicinal ingredients: Croscarmellose sodium, monohydrate lactose, magnesium stearate.

  • Dosage

    Adults and children > 12 years 4 tablets; Children (6-11 years) 2 tablets; Infants (1-5 years) 1 tablet, all ages take 4 times daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. For children under 5 years of age, dissolve tablet in water.

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